Tasty Planet Wiki

Dingo Games is an independent game developer located in Vancouver, Canada.

Originally started by programmer James Sayer, Dingo Games became a husband and wife team when he married artist Kristin Wilson (now Kristin Sayer).

The studio has seemingly shut down sometime in 2022, as their website hasn't been updated.


James Sayer started Dingo Games around 2003 while he was still in university studying Computer Science. The first game he made was a space trading game called Jack of All Trades. Later he made the sidescrolling underwater game Laser Dolphin. He met his future wife Kristin doing varsity fencing. They made the “eat-em-up” game Tasty Planet together (Kris is an artist and was studying graphic design). They got married, moved from Toronto to Vancouver, and made The Three Musketeers: The Game. That’s a quick summary of Dingo Games so far.

External links[]

Dingo Games Logo