Tasty Planet Wiki

The Martian Goo, merge up got to the Grey Goo, is the last character of Tasty Planet Forever, which comes after the Cyberpunk Penguin. On mobile, it costs 6000 cash. His alternate skin is a black hole.


The special hat for the Martian Goo is the Beanie

Nearby regions[]

The nearby regions for the martian goo are Cyberpunk Penguin and Metal Cat.


In the year 2057, Martian astronauts have made their base on the Red Planet. One of the astronauts goes out to collect an ice sample from the polar ice caps. As he comes back, he reports that he has collected the samples, but has detected unusual readings from one of them. Deep inside, at a beyond microscopic level, the Martian Goo sits there, in a water drop that the ice had dropped when it was melting.



Mars goo

A world

#. Picture Name Starting point Required Tip
1 Quirks and Quarks Quirks and Quarks 607 zeptometers 23.2 nanometers -
2 Martian Goo level 2 What’s Your Poison? 272 picometers 579 picometers The water has been contaminated with cyanide. Filter the cyanide out of the water.
3 Another Goo Bites The Dust Another Goo Bites The Dust 23.2 nanometers 677 micrometers -
4 Goo's Labyrinth Goo’s Labyrinth 5.51 millimeters 1.36 meters -
5 Martian Goo level 5 You There, in the Red Shirt 17.3 centimeters 66 centimeters -
6 Fastronauts Fastronauts 28.5 centimeters 99.1 centimeters -
7 K9 Malfunction K9 Malfunction 35.4 centimeters 62.8 centimeters -
8 Mars Attack Mars Attack 677 micrometers 54.4 meters -
9 More Frickin Lasers More Frickin Lasers 17.3 centimeters 3.93 meters -
10 Spaced Out Spaced Out 11.5 centimeters 5.66 meters -
11 Ray Out in Space Ray Out in Space 276 Megameters 1.96 Gigameters -
12 Forever Feast Forever Feast 607 zeptometers 49.5 Gigaparsecs -

Bonus Levels[]

#. Picture Name Starting point Required Tip
1 Screenshot 2019-08-01-12-43-33 All Abohr 8.98 picometers 34.8 picometers -
2 Screenshot 2019-08-01-12-15-33 Astronoid 82.1 centimeters 33.2 meters -
3 Screenshot 2019-08-07-19-46-37 Tardi to the Party 53.3 micrometers 339 micrometers -
4 Screenshot 2019-08-14-10-20-52 High Iron Diet 19.6 centimeters 57.5 meters -
5 20241018132152 1 Globe Goals 5.53 Megameters 9.47 Megameters Stop the Earths from getting by.
6 Screenshot 2019-08-21-20-19-49 Don't Panic - 200 towels Eat 200 towels.
7 Screenshot 2019-09-06-18-59-44 This is Nuts - 40 M5 nuts and bolts Collect all the M5 nuts and bolts. Don't collect the other sizes.
8 Screenshot 2019-09-08-12-12-41 Spirulina Out Of Control 110 micrometers 215 micrometers -
9 Screenshot 2019-09-09-05-55-45 Eat The Red Ones Fast 34.6 centimeters 62.1 centimeters -
10 Screenshot 2019-09-09-12-23-47 Laser Bears 53.5 micrometers 320 micrometers -
11 Screenshot 2019-09-09-12-43-57 Eat The Pod Bay Doors, Pal 74.8 centimeters 10.2 meters -
12 Screenshot 2019-09-09-19-12-09 Pasta Planet 5.53 Megameters 5 goals

16.3 Megameters



  • Unlike the other two Grey Goo, this goo was somehow formed in Mars and left frozen in the ice, rather than created by scientists.
  • His name might be Gold 2.
  • It's theorized that the grey goo from Tasty Planet is the same as this goo, due to it surviving the implosion.