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Tasty Planet Back for Seconds
Tasty Planet Back For Seconds Main Menu
Game Information
Players 1-2 players
Characters Grey goo
Developers Dingo Games
Publishers Dingo Games
Release Date
Windows/Mac September 10th, 2010
iOS December 4th, 2011
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Tasty Planet Back for Seconds is a game created by Dingo Games, and the sequel to Tasty Planet And Tasty Blue. The Flash version of the game is called Tasty Planet Dinotime.


Somewhere in the present, an old scientist finished one of his biggest projects: a Time Machine, his Apprentice congratulates him for this accomplishment

However, the young scientist finds The Grey Goo encased under a glass, the young scientist asks the older scientist what the goo is, and the old scientist responds it is called "Grey goo", an artificial creature created while the older scientist was experimenting with nano-technology.


Eat Your Way Through Time[]


The story begins with the goo eating a time machine, causing him to be sent back in time. Playing as the goo, you'll eat your way through six different time periods:

From Tiny to Gigant[]


In Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds, you'll be growing from the tiniest to the largest things in the universe. In one level you'll start off by eating an ant and end up eating a dinosaur. In another level you'll start off by eating bacterium and end up eating the whole universe.

Play 2-Player[]


One goo was never enough! In the two player cooperative mode each player controls their own goo. You'll be playing through the entire game together - will you work together or will you steal each other's food? There are even a few special 2-player levels that require total cooperation.

Bonus Levels[]


Even after conquering all of the main levels, (and also destroying the time period) the game still isn't over! Almost 50 bonus levels can be unlocked. Some are more difficult versions of levels from the main game and some are totally new levels. There are even a few levels that pit you up against enemy grey goos. To unlock the bonus levels, you must complete the Timed Mode, in Bonus Mode, you need to reach enough gold medal to unlock the Bonus Levels.


Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds is the sequel to Tasty Planet. So if you liked that game, you'll love this one! You'll get many more objects to eat, a new story, a 2-player mode, and much more.

Free/lite version[]

The free/lite version of Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds is called Tasty Planet Dinotime; it is deleted now though.

I forgor[]

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  • Unlike in the first game, the Grey Goo was created by accident.
  • This game along with "Tasty Planet Forever" are the only games that end good for the grey goo. Unlike last time, he didn't implode when he got too much mass, and after eating everything in the universe, all he has left to eat are turtles. So he began dining on turtles non-stop for the rest of his life, thus giving him a wealthy and good ending.
  • The title has a pun where seconds also refer to the time unit, hinting at the goo travelling through time.
  • This game has a russian version.