Tasty Planet Wiki
Tasty Planet Forever
Game Information
Players Tasty Planet Forever 1 - 2 players
Characters Parisian Cat
Caribbean Octopus
African Rat
Developers Dingo Games
Publishers Dingo Games
Release Date
Windows/Mac October 16th, 2018
Nearby Games
Previous Tasty Blue
Next N/A

Tasty Planet Forever is the fourth game in the Tasty Planet series which was released on October 16th 2018.


Eat everything smaller than yourself. The more you eat, the bigger you'll get. There's no telling how big you'll get!


Tasty Planet Forever has eight different playable characters each with their own world and backstory.

In Paris, when a restaurant is dirty and customers are about to come through the door, the Chef opens up a box for a prototype cleaning robot resembling a tiny cat he received from his cousins. The chef tells the cat to eat everything, and it does so, however the cat has the power to grow to any size to get the job done, and since it was told to eat everything, it starts growing larger, eating the costumers and eating Cars, trees, buildings and the eiffel tower and The whole of paris.

In the Caribbean Sea, an octopus is sitting near the shore, until it starts getting surrounded by garbage. The octopus decides to get revenge on humans for polluting the oceans, and starts consuming marine life, Then people, Sharks and Boats, eventually eating Ships and Buildings and a large pile of trash.

In Africa, land mines are scattered all over the place, which has severely decreased the elephant population, however, several rats have been selectively bred to eat minefields and make them safe for elephant travel. However one small round rat can eat much more than just mines, eating all sorts of small creatures, plants and eventually eating poachers, even a small Town.

In a large city, the bee population is rapidly decreasing, so a beekeeper invents a "Super Bee" that can pollinate frequently and is resistant to colony collapse. It wasn't ready to be released though, due to its seeming aggression towards smaller creatures and abnormal growth abilities. It was accidentally released by an stranger breaking the tube, and from then it started eating pollen, other bees and plants before growing big enough to eat birds, drones, people, cars small helicopters, WII planes eventually eating tandem rotor helicopters, apartments, jumbo jets, buildings, the whole park, the city and even islands, the continents, the moon and the earth.

In the Pacific Ocean, a basking shark hears a conversation about how basking sharks are killed for getting Stuck in fishing nets and that humans want to drive them to extinction. Full of wrath, the basking shark starts eating lots of fish and Otters, even eating Humpback whales, cabins, Destroyer Ships and finally a Shark Hunter.

In Australia, when the habitat is overrun with invasive species', a dingo sets out to rid the area of invasive species, eating many different invasive animal species before starting to eat other things like trees, trucks, houses, And Tanks, which in a way makes the dingo invasive species.

In the future, the ice caps have Almost Entirely melted and the world is heavily polluted. Penguins have evolved to fly and one sets out to take revenge on humans for bringing the world to this state. It starts out eating small bits of food and Flys, and later Fries, Raccoons, cyborgs, people, hovercars, hover garbage trucks and hoverbuses and even hovertanks, buildings, factories and floating islands.

on the planet mars, some ice samples are carried indoors by an astronaut with some of it melting off. In these small droplets of water lies a microscopic Grey Goo, even smaller than an atom. It begins eating microscopic quarks, Protons and Neutrons Along with atoms, before eating more microscopic Cells and dust, eventually getting big enough to eat crumbs, nuts and bolts. It started getting big enough to eat computer parts, robot dogs and towels. It kept eating until it could eat furniture, walls, airlock doors, crew members, astronauts, Rovers, martian hills and buildings, and eventually escaping into space to eat planets, stars, space creatures, galaxies and a noodle monster. At the end of it all the Goo starts eating universes, which now look as small as Quasrks. It is believed that

a the Goo starts eating the quarks they turn into atoms, crumbs, furniture, hills, buildings, planets, stars, galaxies, universes, right back around for a Forever Feast.


Tasty Planet Forever has eight different worlds to experience, each with a different playable character and unique story, each world has twelve levels (except for Paris, which has eleven):

  • Parisian Cat: A filthy restaurant, the old scientist receives a prototype cleaning robot, the cat, from his cousin.
  • Caribbean Octopus: The Caribbean Ocean is being polluted by people, much to an octopus' dismay.
  • African Rat: Land mines have decreased the elephant population, but the rats are bred to clear and eat minefields, however one of the rats can eat more than just mines.
  • Big City Bee: A super bee made to help save the bees was in a glass container, but flees away when a random walker smashes the glass container.
  • Pacific Basking Shark: Basking sharks are endangered just for getting Stuck in fishing nets, overhearing this conversation, a pacific basking shark is full of wrath.
  • Australian Dingo: most of Australia's creatures are invasive, leaving the Australian dingo to take charge.
  • Cyberpunk Penguin: In the future, polar ice caps have mostly melted. But a flying penguin takes revenge.
  • Martian Goo: On Mars, ice samples are being carried, which have melted enough to leave a few water drops on the floor, then, out of these drops, the Grey Goo was released to eat the universe again. In addition to the eight main playable characters, there are eight bonus characters to earn:


Unlike the prequels of Tasty Planet Forever, stars are not measured in the time limit, but points as well. The bigger the object, the more points are given away. The bigger you get, the fewer points the next individual thing gives you. Taking damage and eating something the game tells you not to eat will deduct points from your score.

Exponential Growth[]

The scale of some of the levels is enormous; in one level you'll grow all the way from the size of a microscopic quark to the size of the universe.

Local Co-Op[]

Play the entire game couch co-op with a friend!

Tons of Levels[]

There are hundreds of different things to eat and 187 levels in the game. It's the biggest Tasty Planet game yet.



  • This game along with "Tasty Planet: Back for Seconds" are the only games that end good for the grey goo. At the end of this game, it is revealed that the universe is actually a quark, which means what the grey goo did will happen again. This allows the grey goo to have a forever feast as he will eat non stop, giving him another wealthy and good ending.
  • This is the second game to include difficulty settings, the first being Tasty Blue
  • As of 2025, This is the last tasty planet game.